Anxiety Therapy: Is EMDR right for me?

Did you know that anxiety impacts over 19% of adults and 7% of children living in the United States each year? (1)

Whether you struggle with temporary adjustment-based anxiety, more persisting generalized anxiety,  social anxiety, phobias, or panic, anxiety in all forms can steal enjoyment and satisfaction from life. 

So with so many Americans suffering from some form of an anxiety-based disorder, effective treatments are of the utmost importance.

But how do you determine what kind of anxiety therapy is right for you? 

In this series, we are unpacking some of the most common evidence-based anxiety therapy models so that you can determine what may be a good starting point for anxiety therapy for you or someone you love. Today were are unpacking EMDR therapy as a form of anxiety therapy. 

So what is EMDR therapy?

EMDR therapy stands for Eye Movement Desensitization reprocessing. EMDR therapy is different than many of the previously discussed anxiety therapy models. CBT and DBT tend to focus primarily on the thought and behavioral processes of anxiety. EMDR therapy is different in that it approaches anxiety symptoms from a cognitive (thought), emotional (feeling), and somatic (body sensation) level. 
EMDR therapy is largely based on the knowledge of adverse or overwhelming experiences serving as a learning moment and that information is stored in the nervous system. EDMR therapy addresses anxiety as a part of the fear response system of the brain and body. For anxiety to be diminished we must address how the fear response was learned through previous experiences and what a more adaptive or functional understanding of that experience may be. 

Does EMDR therapy work as an anxiety treatment? Is it an effective form of Anxiety therapy?

EMDR therapy is an effective treatment for anxiety disorders, panic disorder, and trauma-related anxiety symptoms. There are over 30 randomized and clinically validated controlled research studies to confirm its effectiveness.  (2) 

There is even good clinical evidence for EMDR therapy’s effectiveness and overcoming performance anxiety. (3)

EMDR therapy has also been validated as a treatment for other forms of anxiety-like panic disorders and phobias. (4)

What should I know about EMDR therapy?

  • EMDR therapy does require addressing and processing some hard or challenging life experiences that may be contributing to anxiety symptoms. As mentioned above, EMDR therapy treats anxiety from the lens of the body learning fears and responses based on previously learned experience. 

  • While EMDR therapy can cause some temporary distress in processing these events, a trained EMDR therapist should be able to work with you to make sure any processing is done in a safe and supported way, avoiding feelings of true overwhelm. 

  • There is typically little or no homework. Unlike some of the other forms of more cognitive-based therapy models that assign worksheets or skill practice between sessions, the majority of the therapeutic work is isolated to the actual time with the therapist in session. This can be a big relief for some that feel they would be overwhelmed or unsuccessful at adding an additional item to their to-do list. 

  • There is also some indication that EMDR therapy may be faster or more efficient than CBT and other cognitive focused anxiety therapy interventions, which can be an added bonus for some. (5) 

One last thing. EMDR therapy is a special, fairly extensive, training that therapists must complete in order to be able to perform EMDR therapy. If you think that EMDR therapy may be an option in your anxiety therapy treatment that you would like to explore, it may be helpful to search specifically for an EMDR therapist so that you do not end up having to change providers if some of the more cognitive/ skill-based approaches are not your style. You can find a complete list of Certified EMDR therapists in your area here.

Are you ready to learn more about EMDR therapy and determine if it could be the right anxiety therapy treatment for you to address your anxiety treatment goals? Let us help you take the next step.  With in-person options in our Arlington, TX-based therapy office  and online therapy options throughout the state of Texas, our therapists are ready to help. Our team of compassionate therapists is educated in research-validated models for effective anxiety therapy treatment. We are also proud to support clients and work with co-occurring trauma, addiction, and more. Let us discuss options to help meet your anxiety treatment needs. Connect with us below to begin the next steps for your anxiety therapy journey to healing. 


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