Could Burnout be Contributing to your Depression?

Depression therapy

Are you lacking motivation in the workplace? Do you find it harder and harder to get up in the morning? Is mustering the motivation to take on another project at work feeling impossible? Have you wondered if you’re experiencing depression? 

So what is burnout? 

The Mayo Clinic defines burnout as a “state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of urgency and accomplishment and loss of personal identity.“ (1)

Symptoms of burnout can include:

  • Increased feelings of stress

  • Extreme exhaustion or fatigue

  • Significant lack of motivation or feelings of lack of purpose

  • An increase in feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, and general irritability 

  • Struggles with addiction, or the misuse of alcohol or other substances 

  • Physical related concerns include a reduced immune system, hypertension, cardiovascular concerns, and auto-immune disease

So is there an overlap between depression and burnout? 

Depression treatment in Dallas Fort Worth

This is actually a somewhat complicated question. For many years, there has been a disagreement as far as the definition of burnout as a psychological phenomenon and thus creating some challenges in the identification of burnout, and it is association with depression. However, a study released in 2019 conducted a meta-analysis of the research on burnout and depression and reported a significant association between burnout and depression as well as burnout and anxiety. however, there was not enough evidence to conclude an exact relationship between burnout and depression or burnout and anxiety, rather, simply noted the overlap of the two. (2)

So what can we do about burnout, and can it assist in the management of depression? 

Great question, while we do not necessarily have the information to assume causation between burnout and depression, there are a few things that we do know.

Environmental factors, including stressful environments, do correlate with a higher level of depression (3) 


Increased feelings of stress are a symptom associated with burnout.

The great thing is, that there are some proactive steps that you can take to manage to burnout, prevent burnout, and increase overall mental health and wellness, including the management of depression and anxiety symptoms. and the great thing is, that many of the suggestions may be things that you’re already doing to manage your mental health. 

depression treatment in Texas
  • Create a mindfulness practice. Whether this includes a formal practice of yoga, tai chi, guided meditations, or informal practices of centering phrases and breath work, mindfulness can be incredibly important in managing the stress associated with burnout, and increasing health and wellness overall. 

  • Take vacations. Being able to take a break from stressful activities, and responsibilities, and intentionally plugging into activities that are associated with relaxation and fun can be an incredibly powerful wellness practice. Whether you plan short weekend trips or are in the position to take four weeks off of work, stepping into new environments and creating time for relaxation and fun can be incredibly helpful manage workplace stresses as well as decreasing long-term depression and anxiety rates. 

  • Prioritize sleep. I know this can be a tricky one for many people, as insomnia and sleep challenges are so prevalent, but prioritizing consistent sleep is associated with all sorts of wellness factors including work-related stress management and overall mental wellness. 

  • Change your work environment. While this is not a step for everyone, and there may be varying levels of change that you’re able to facilitate, if an environment is stressful, unmanageable, and ultimately unhealthy, it may be a healthy step to change the environment or workplace that you are engaging in. In a traditional work setting, we spend eight hours or a third of our day in the workplace. It is important that, to the best of our ability, these hours are spent in places that are healthy for us, promote healthy physical and mental practices, and ultimately serve our needs both financially, personally, mentally, and emotionally. There are times that burnout is truly solved by changing a workplace that may be toxic or unhealthy and swapping it for something that aligns with your personal and mental needs more thoroughly.

Are you experiencing burnout, depression, or anxiety? Are you interested in exploring the treatment and management of these mental health challenges in a supportive environment with a trained therapist? Our team is here to help. whether you’re interested in in-person therapy options at our Arlington, Texas-based therapy group, or are interested in the ease of connecting through online therapy services, we have options to serve most clients’ needs and schedules. 


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