How to Manage Depression through Job Loss

economy depression

Are you one of the hundreds of millions of Americans feeling this financial stress and burden of financial instabilities? Since the outbreak of COVID-19, more adult Americans are reporting the increased impact of financial stress. In fact, 70% of American adults report that they experience significant stress from the current state of the economy.  (1)

One of the inevitable stressors that will come from a recession, or period of economic instability, is job loss. A recent study that evaluated the impact of job loss on Americans noted that individuals who experienced job and income loss also experienced higher rates of anxiety disorders, panic attacks, post, traumatic, stress disorder, depression, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, and other forms of mental health deterioration. (2)

While many of the stress factors associated with the loss of a job are not within the control of the individual who has experienced the job loss, there are a few steps that you can take to manage the impact of job loss on your mental health and wellness. Especially those with a predisposition for depression, or have previously struggled with depression, or gravitated towards depressive tendencies, having a strong and consistent plan to manage the period of unemployment can be key to maintaining Basic mental health and wellness. 

Here are a few tips to manage the stress of the loss of a job.

depression and routine

Set a routine. One of the major protective factors associated with employment and depression management is consistency and routine. It is prevalent that, when an individual may lose their job, they may slip into the poor habit of having an inconsistent or unstructured day. Those who have struggled with depression, understand the importance of a structured day, and a routine for the management of depression symptoms. Things like having a consistent waking and sleeping cycle can be incredibly important in the management of depression symptoms. If you are experiencing job loss, setting a consistent routine for yourself, despite the freedom in your schedule, may have a positive impact on your depression management. Here are a few things to consider: 

  • Set a consistent wake-up and go-to bed time

  • Set consistent times of the day that she will eat meals and attempt to limit snacking between those time periods.

  • Set a consistent time of the day for movement or getting outside

These simple steps can help to create enough stability to prevent a major increase in depressive symptoms that could cause significant distress during an already challenging time.

depression and connection

Stay connected with people. Isolation is a common symptom associated with depression symptoms. One of the protective factors that is associated with a traditional job is the fact that most employment positions require, or include some kind of social or professional interactions on a daily, if not weekly basis. Those who experience job loss, are quickly faced with the withdrawal of consistent social interactions. This can be negatively impactful on those who are struggling with depression management. If you are experiencing job loss, staying connected with people, be it  former coworkers, friends, family members, or neighbors, on a consistent basis, can create a protective factor to assist in decreasing the impact of job loss on your depression symptoms. 

Control what you can. One of the most challenging aspects of job loss is that so many factors are beyond the control of the individual who has lost the job. Feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and being generally “stuck“ are common symptoms associated with depression. As a result, the lack of control related to the job loss may be a factor that can increase depression symptoms, and those who are experiencing job loss. as a result, it is important that those who are experiencing job loss, make a conscious effort to control and put effort into what they can have impactor influence over. Here are a few examples:

  • Set a goal for how many applications for a new job you may complete in a day or a week

  • Participate in supplemental training, or certifications in your desired field

  • Consider a part-time or contract job with a delivery service or other contract position 

  • Evaluate your budget and other ways that you may be able to save money or stretch the funds that you do have

Simple tasks like these may assist individuals who have experienced job loss and feel more in control of their experiences and more empowered in their situation. A feeling of empowerment is critical in managing depression symptoms. 

If you are experiencing increase depression associated with economic instability, job, loss, or other forms of economic stress, please know, you are not alone. And there are effective ways to manage depression symptoms. Our team of trained therapists is available to help and support individuals who are struggling with depression of all kinds. Whether through online therapy services available for all residents of Texas or in-person therapy services through our Arlington Texas-based therapy office, our team would love to support you in your journey toward health and wellness. 


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