Resource review: Hardwired Happiness

It can be  hard to find the right resource for the issue that you are hoping to address. With the over abundance of information existing in the world, this series is aimed at giving a more though evaluation at resources that some may find helpful in their journey towards growth, and healing from the perspective of a therapist.

 Today we are reviewing a resource that may be tool for those looking for assistance with depression treatment and increasing an overall positive outlook. 


Hardwired Happiness: The new brain science of contentment, calm, and confidence is by Rick Hanson, Ph.D. Hanson is a psychologist specializing in neuroscience. In this book, he applies his knowledge of brain science to the desire to increase happiness. The main premise of this book is built on the principle of what Hanson refers to as the human “negativity bias”, or tendency for humans to attach to or hold on to negative experiences with greater strength than positive one. 

In this book Hanson addresses the science of of the tendencies towards negative thought patterns, and establishes constructive, easy to use skills and tools for readers to work towards overcoming this propensity for negativity and work towards a positive life out look. 

The Pros:

  • Despite the abundance of research quoted, the book is written in a very easy to understand format. The studies quoted are often represented or further explained by story narration, and the data is largely simplified in to very user friendly steps and take aways.

  • Hanson breaks many of his principles for increasing happiness down into succinct step-by-step guides for users, which users can work through as a guide to developing the experiences needed.

  • Hanson has created several scripts for guided exercises to increase connection with certain positive feelings or traits. For those listening to the audio book, these scripts can actually be used as a guided auditory exercise and could be used as a tool for skill development.

The Cons:

  • Most of the steps towards increasing happiness and positive states are based off of the principles of mindfulness and require some base level ability to reflect and observe ones self. For some people this can be frustrating or feel very uncomfortable if these skills and abilities to observe and reflect on one’s own experience in not within their realm of current abilities.

  • Many of the exercises suggest and require the noticing of negative experiences. While every human has negative experiences, there is a difference between observing and reflecting on a negative experience tied to depressive thought patterns and negative experiences connected to trauma or traumatic experiences. It is important to note that trauma is most successfully processed and healed with the help of a trained trauma therapist.

For individuals hoping to promote self growth:

For individuals looking to utilize the book, Hardwired Happiness, as a tool for self reflection and personal growth, it does offer many very accessible tools for application of research based principles. There are limitations to the application of the tools in overcoming depression symptoms and negative thought patterns that should be considered, and the author is clear that the principles taught are not a substitute for therapy services. Rather, Hanson advocates that some of the observational principles may actually enhance the effectiveness of therapy. 

For therapist and other professional: 

For therapist and other helping professionals reading this book as a form of supplemental education, there are some strong elements of this book. The book is based strongly in evidence based research and applies developmental theory, human behaviors, and evolutionary psychology in very user friendly way. The metaphors and examples described by the author also offer potentially useful elements of psycho-education that could be translated over to the therapy setting. 

Final thoughts:

Hardwired Happiness is overall a hopeful and empowering book as it advocates for the ability of the human brain to adapt, change, and grow, giving the reader tools to practically apply the material in constructive ways. There are limitations to its application, to which I would caution many readers who may attempt to apply the principles without the help of a trained professional.

Overall, for individuals with a base level understanding of their thoughts and feelings, familiarity or previous experience with mindfulness work, and awareness of their own personal trauma histories, this book offer some great constructive elements for addressing depression, negative thought patterns and negative thinking tendencies. 

Interested in reading Hardwired Happiness for yourself? Here are purchase options. 

(Links are included for convenience to readers. No benefit or compensation is received by Salyer Counseling Group) 

We will keep reviewing new tools and resources for your use, so keep checking in for more information on what tools and resources may be helpful for you in your journey to mental and emotional health. 

If you are interested in taking a deeper dive into depression therapy and desire to take control of your depression symptoms, our team would love to help! Connect with us through online therapy services or in person at out Arlington, TX based therapy practice


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