Tips for Finding a Therapist

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With more mental health awareness and increased conversations about mental health care, many people are considering starting therapy for the first time. But once you make the decision to incorporate therapy as a part of your mental health and wellness journey, the process of actually finding a therapist can prove to be challenging.

Between therapists with full caseloads, rising costs of mental healthcare, and barriers in scheduling, many people signed the process of finding a therapist to be frustrating and somewhat defeating. But we are here to help. 

Below are three different things to consider when looking for a therapist.

Consider referrals within your professional or personal networks:

Asking for recommendations within your personal or professional network is a great place to start when looking for a local therapist. Of course, these requests and questions need to be asked of people that you feel safe and comfortable discussing some basic mental health conversations with, but referrals within your network can be helpful for multiple reasons. Personal referrals can be beneficial because: 

  • Often times people who know you and may be connected with different therapists may know about the personality types that may be a good fit for you. 

  • Professional referrals from a doctor or another member of your health or mental health support team can equip you to have collaborative care across your helping professionals.

  • There are some occasions when a personal referral may increase your ability to get scheduled with a therapist in a busy practice. This can be particularly helpful in markets where the need for therapists far outweighs the number of practicing therapists. 

Consider your payment options: 

Consider your payment options: 

Find a therapist in DFW

Cost is always a major consideration when considering beginning therapy. We always encourage individuals to think through their budgets and what they are able to afford prior to beginning a therapy process. Therapy can sometimes take some time and it can be disappointing or defeating to begin a growth journey and feel that it is cut short due to finances. Here are some things to consider with the major funding options for therapy: 

  • Insurance- utilizing health insurance benefits can be a great way to access therapy in a cost-effective way, but there are some things you need to know. It’s important to look at your individual insurance plan, understand if you have a co-pay or deductible type plan, and budget accordingly. It’s that important to refine your search based on in-network providers with your specific insurance company. Often times insurance companies do have a list of providers that are in-network, and insurance can be a search criterion for refined searches on many therapist databases like psychology today

  • Cash pay options: there are some major benefits to accessing therapy through a cash-for-service setup. The important thing to consider in this payment arrangement is your budget and the longevity of your budget. Think through the ideal number of sessions that you would like to attend per month. are you able to afford the cash rate of the therapist that you are considering in your monthly budget? If that is not something that is sustainable long-term for you, it may be worth considering accessing therapy through offices offering sliding scale therapy programs or looking for a therapist with a slightly lower rate.

  • Nonprofit therapy options: there are amazing nonprofits offering mental health services in communities, making enormous impacts on the health and well-being of the clientele they serve. Many of these programs do offer free or very low-cost therapy options; however, these types of programs typically do come with some stipulations. When considering accessing services through a nonprofit or community health program some things to ask include:

    • The criteria for eligibility to receive services

    • The length of time that someone is eligible for services, or if there are limitations on the number of sessions one can receive

    • The standard practice of the agency if all of the treatment goals are not accomplished in any program time restraints 

    • The specialties of the therapists available through the program. 

It’s also important to note that many of these amazing nonprofits and community mental health programs have been overwhelmed with the need for quality mental health services in communities. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for these programs to have a longer waitlist, so keep in mind, that these agencies are doing the very best that they can to offer amazing services despite the limitations they have in funding, staffing, and program spots available.

Consider the type of therapist that you might want to find in your search process:  

therapy in DFW, Arlington, TX

The therapeutic relationship is a very personal one. And it is OK to have some preferences related to the type of therapist that you would like to see. Some things that are important to consider are: 

  • Is there a certain gender of therapist that you might feel most comfortable talking openly to? 

  • Is there a certain experience or quality that you would feel most comfortable with if your therapist possessed? (For example, many military members find it helpful or comforting to receive therapy from a therapist with familiarity or experience in military culture. Some people of color find it helpful to connect with a therapist of color or mental health professionals that share some of their same cultural backgrounds. Individuals who may have a primary language other than English may find it helpful to find a bilingual therapist that could communicate with them in both languages, etc) 

If you are located in the DFW area or are a resident of Texas, our team would be happy to support you in taking the next steps in your therapy journey. We have options for in-person therapy at our Arlington, TX-based therapy group or through our online therapy options. We offer services in both Spanish and English and offer both in-network insurance options and sliding scale fees to help meet your budgeting needs. 


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